H. Lee and D. Kim, "Enhanced Material Ablation and Acoustic Excitation in Pulsed Laser Ablation Assisted by a Liquid Film," 2000 ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, NHTC2000-12274 (2000.08)
D. Kim, "Laser Materials Processing Using Pulsed-Laser Induced Rapid Vaporization," invited paper at 1999 World Congress of Korean Scientists and Engineers, Seoul, Korea, pp. 1269-1277 (1999.07).
D. Kim, and C. P. Grigoropoulos, "Ablation Threshold and Pressure-Pulse Generation in the Pulsed-Laser Irradiation of Absorbing-Liquid Surface," Proceedings of 11th International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyongju, Korea, Vol. 5, pp. 129-134 (1998.08)
D. Kim and C. P. Grigoropoulos, "Pulsed Laser Induced Ablation of absorbing liquids and Acoustic-Transient Generation," presented at ASME IMECE 1997, Dallas, USA (1997.11)
D. Kim, H. K. Park, and C. P. Grigoropoulos, "Interferometric Study on the Growth of Pulsed-Laser-Generated Submicron Bubble Layer on a Solid Surface," presented at the 1996 ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Houston, USA, HTD-Vol. 326, pp. 69-77 (1996)
H. K. Park, D. Kim, C. P. Grigoropoulos, C. C. Poon, and A. C. Tam, "Optical Measurements of Pressure Transients in the Rapid Vaporization of Liquids on a Pulsed-Laser-Heated Surface," presented at the 1995 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA (1995.11)
D. S. Kim, J. Y. Kim, and S. T. Ro, "Thermal Conductivity of Alternative Refrigerants and Their Mixtures in the Liquid State," in Thermal Conductivity 21, T. W. Tong, ed., Technomic (1994)